Tone up, slim down, and find balance with this high-energy workout from power yoga pioneer Beryl Bender Birch.
Extended Side Angle
What it does: Stretches the entire side of the body; strengthens the back and legs; relieves stiffness in the hips and backs of the thighs; improves digestion.
How to do it: Extend arms out to your sides at shoulder height and step feet apart so ankles are directly under wrists. Turn right toes out 90 degrees and left toes in 30 degrees. Bend right knee, bringing that thigh parallel to the ground, with knee directly over ankle. Reach your torso to the right and rest your right elbow on your right knee. (For more of a challenge, place right fingertips on the ground or on a block placed outside your right foot.) Extend left arm alongside left ear, rotating your left ribs up toward the ceiling. Look straight ahead or up, keeping your chin tucked into your armpit. Repeat to the left.